Friday, October 03, 2008

Sample Balanced Reporting

There's some unanimity among communities in Fairfield and New Haven counties of CT that this is an example of balanced independent reporting in turbulent times. I am sharing it here for that purpose.


DLowe said...

I wonder if this is balanced reporting for Muslim women, of whom I see none among the worshippers. The only portrayal of women is of them sequestered from the men and allowed to eat in a parking lot. I won't address my concerns in this post: that when huge groups of like-minded religious people (any faith) gather and bolster one another in the fervent belief of fairy tales, bad things happen. But the article does make me wonder when the women of Islam will finally rebuff their treatment as second-class citizens. Thanks for posting this. I enjoyed thinking about it.
Best Wishes,

AbdulMalik Negedu said...

Hey Don,

There's a great book by an Australian author Geradine Brooks - Nine Parts of Desire: the Hidden World of Islamic Women that explores this and gives a voice to these women - for an against "their treatment as 2nd class citizens." Check it out if you want to give it further thought. I have struggled with some things but as I write, I am learning to see both sides of the argument and draw conclusions with some validity and avoid premeditation from cultural biases. Articles and books like that are helpful in this regard despite opposing viewpoints.